
Showing posts from May, 2019

Implementing a High Performance Work System

High Performance Work System is a name given to a set of management practices that attempt to create an environment within an organization where the employee has greater involvement and responsibility. More specifically, HPWS has been defined by Bohlander et al (2004) as “a specific combination of HR practices, work structures, and processes that maximizes employee knowledge, skill, commitment and flexibility” (Bohlander & Snell, 2004, p. 690). Barnes (2001) writes that the concept and ideas for high performance work systems has existed for quite some time and has its roots in the late twentieth century amid the upheaval in the United States manufacturing environment (Barnes, 2001, p. 2). During this period, the manufacturing industry in America had realized that global competition had arrived and they needed to rethink the ‘tried and true’ manufacturing processes. The concepts that arose out of these turbulent times are items that eventually would become key components

International Human Resource Management

International Human Resource Management includes the firm’s work systems and its employment practices. It embraces both individual and collective aspects of people management. It is not restricted to any one style or ideology. It engages the energies of both line and specialist managers (where the latter exists) and typically entails a range of messages for a variety of workforce groups’. (Boxhall, P. and Purcell, J. 2008). HRM responsibilities include: Recruitment and selection Training and development Human resource planning Assessing performance of employees Payment and reward systems Initiatives to align employee developments to corporate strategies.   International Human Resource Management (IHRM) Boxall, P. (1992) defined International Human Resource Management (IHRM) as ‘concerned with the human resource problems of multinational firms in foreign subsidiaries (such as expatriate management) or more broadly, with the unfolding HRM issues that are associated wit

The Dynamics of Labour Relations

The Dynamics of Labour Relations Government Regulation of Labour Relations - The Industrial Relations Disputes and Investigation Act - Canada Labour Code - Provincial Labour Law Statuses The Labour Relations Process Labour Relations Process:  a logical sequence of 4 events: 1. Workers desire collective representation 2. Union begins its organizing campaign, which may lead to certification and recognition 3. Collective negotiations lead to a contract 4. The contract is administered Why Employees Unionize Reason #1 – Economic Needs Reason #2 – Dissatisfaction with Management Reason #3 – Social and Leadership Concerns Organizing Campaigns Organizing Steps: 1. Employee/Union Contact:  Employees investigate the advantages of representation,  and union officials begin to gather info. on employee  needs, problems, and grievances  To win employees’ support, labour organizers must build a  case against the employer and for the union. 2. Initial Organization Meeting:  Identify employees wh


A. Employee Rights B. Disciplining Employees Today’s I will examines employee rights and employee discipline. The concepts of employee rights, management rights, and the employment-at-will doctrine are discussed. Some challenges managers encounter in balancing employee rights with their own rights and responsibilities (duties) are explored. Employee discipline is discussed, and some suggestions for managing difficult employees are offered. A. Employee Rights Employee rights allow them to engage in conduct protected by laws and social sanctions. Federal and state governments have enacted laws giving employees specific protection in their relationship with their employer. The courts have also been willing to protect workers from wrongful discharge. These rights include statutory, contractual, and other rights. B. Employee Rights There are many laws and regulations governing human resource management that have been created to help define, maintai