
Showing posts from April, 2019

Performance management

    Performance management is a whole work system that begins when a job is defined as needed. It ends when an employee leaves your organization. Performance management defines your interaction with an employee at every step of the way in between these major life cycle occurrences. Performance management makes every interaction opportunity with an employee into a learning occasion. For more information and details check the link below thanks

Managing compensation

Managing Compensation The Compensation function is responsible for plans and programs related to cash and non-cash methods or types of pay and incentives. This is often referred to as direct compensation. Responsibilities include: Wage & Salary Administration. Pay Structures/Schedules. Job Evaluation/Classification. Wage & Salary Survey participation. FLSA and other Regulation Compliance.

Training and devenlopment

Micro-learning and accessible learning go hand in hand. The process of repackaging training for agility also sets you up for quicker, more efficient development of training. When a role responsibility changes, your trainers won’t have to update an entire course or video if the material is broken into smaller pieces. They’ll find the segment that needs to be updated instead of recreating the entire piece. Your L&D teams will be quicker to tweak courses with more granular access to the content. If learners are struggling with a concept, they might reorder the course or repackage that segment to increase effectiveness. I invite all of you to chekout this webpage

Employee Selection

1. Job Specification- In this first step, it helps to describe the job in terms of specialization, knowledge, and experience required of individuals who will be applicable for a particular job. It also helps in screening or evaluating applicants found appropriate in meeting the job standards.  Check out this webpage for more information.
Talent pools are groups of employees who are being trained and developed to assume greater responsibilities within the organization. Often, but not always, they have been identified as high-performing and high-potential individuals.  Talent pools allow organizations to develop employees in areas that align with company competencies and values instead of focusing on developing specific position skills. This allows talent pools to address the biggest challenge with succession planning, which is telling individuals they're part of the plan. Organizations can communicate to a group, "You're the future of the company," instead of telling an individual, "You are our next chief marketing officer." 
Job analysis is the systematic assembly of all the facts about a job. The purpose is to study the individual elements and duties. All information related to the salary and benefits, working hours and conditions, typical tasks and responsibilities is required for the job analysis. The results of job analysis are job description and job specification. Is the systematic assembly of all the facts about a job. The purpose is to study the individual elements and duties. All information related to the salary and benefits, working hours and conditions, typical tasks and responsibilities is required for the job analysis. The results of job analysis are job description and job specification.
Human Resource Management Definitions of Human Resource Management:  1. “A series of integrated decisions that govern employer-employee relations. Their quality contributes to the ability of organisations and employees to achieve their objectives.” ( Milkovich & Boudreau, 1997 ). 2. “Concerned with the people dimension to management. Since every organisation comprises people, acquiring their services, developing their skills, motivating them to higher levels of performance and ensuring that they continue at the same level of commitment to the organisation are essential to achieving organisational goal. This is true, regardless of the type of organisation: viz. government, business, education, health, recreation, or social action.” ( Decenzo & Robbins, 1989 ). 3.”The planning, organising directing and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration, and maintenance of human resource to the end those individual, organisational, and social objec